Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What's that noise?

I was on the other side of the house when I thought I heard water running. Not just your typical faucet running, but the sound of water filling up. As I run for the noise which sounded from the kitchen, I round the corner to find this...

"Trevor! What are you doing?" I ask. "I'm taking a bath mom - but the water is cold, brrrrr." Seriously? I have never given him a bath in the sink. What would possess him at this age to take matters into his own hands? Trust me, the entire weekend consisted of many baths in the sink. That'll teach me. From now on, I'm leaving dirty dishes in there!


Ann said...

Ha - clever guy! The only sink bath mine ever had was at the Steensma Farm!

MAV06 said...

Too, cute! Guess he needed some bath time and he wanted to conserve water -- using the sink does take less than the big tub! Elliott did enjoy a bath or two in our sink during his first summer trip to Denver.