Monday, November 2, 2009

trick or treat fun

Sister was kind enough to help Trevor color...or watch anyway.

Get the goo!

This past weekend turned out to be quite fun for the entire family. Even though I was busy planning a carnival - I did finally get some pumpkin carving in. Yes, it was the day before Halloween, but at least our pumpkins looked fresh on the steps. The seeds got roasted and life was good. On Halloween we all attended the carnival downtown. It was full of games, prizes, food and fun. When it came time to go trick-or-treating, I realized how old Spencer and Cassidy have become. Spencer ditched us to go with a friend - which only triggered Cassidy to do the same. So, Trevor and I headed out on our own. Which, honestly, was a whole lot of fun. He had the whole process down flat. If the homeowner waited to long, he would dig into the bowl himself and take ONE treat. If they had DOTS, licorice, or a dum dum sucker those were his first choices. Those that gave him chocolate - he would politely say, "thank you" and then when they closed the door he would look at me and say, "They gave me chocolate. I can't have chocolate. I'll give it to Cassie." I was so proud of him. He has come a long way with this allergy and is understanding more and more about his limitations. About two weeks ago, he experienced a reaction which lasted about 90 minutes. I thought a food was safe & was wrong. It made him extremely sick. It was a very rough 90 minutes. He never wants to do that again. (and neither do I or his dad). *still praying he outgrows it*

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last days of summer...

We soaked up what rays we could...spent as much time on the water as we could...Spencer spent many days and MANY hours on the lake catching turtles. We took care of 7 for a few weeks along with 4 toads. What is it with kids and creatures. The joys of watching toads eat bugs that we caught for them. Let's just say they didn't go hungry. In fact, just the opposite..poor things were so fat it was uncalled for. The turtles tried to make a run for the water every time they were let out, but let's just say that was NOT going to happen. Ah, yes - the last days of summer....

After playing on the water we took on a thunderstorm with hail.

It was raining so hard the kids & dads enjoyed the overflow of water.

Trevor loved the penguins at the Omaha Zoo.

Feeding the birds, but they were constantly flying about.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Desperate need of an update...

Whoa! It has been awhile. I thought summer was suppose to be relaxing. Turns out, I think we got busier. I had to go back and look at pictures to see what we've been up to....and here it is! Summer has been packed to the brim with baseball. We finished up one league this past weekend and the other league will end this week. It was fun watching Spencer's team progress throughout the season. They came a long ways over the last two months.

When it finally warmed up in June we went to the zoo and hit the water. Trevor became our latest little fishy. What a brave little boy. I have to keep him close to shore or he'd probably try to swim across the lake. The child has no fear of water. What's new with Trevor....well let's see. He mastered the neighbors slide in the lake in a matter of minutes. He turned three. He got to ride ponies during the 4th of July celebration.....and finally, yes I said finally....he will pee outside. It's crazy. Now it appears he likes it so much, I am not sure he will ever use the toilet again. Time will tell.

Cassidy also celebrated a birthday. She is now 8. She has been keeping busy with softball through summer rec. She still attends daycare with Trevor for the summer. However, has recently had a couple weeks off. Unfortunately, it wasn't because of anything good. We recently lost our daycare providers husband. He past away suddenly due to a heart attack at the young age of 45. It will be an adjustment for her family as well as her extended family (daycare) without having his presence around at some point during the day.

Cassidy and I found the medallion during our 4th of July celebration. Clues started being posted on Monday evening and we found it on Wednesday night by sheer luck. It was the start of a very fun weekend. We won a gas card and an overnight stay at a hotel in Sioux Falls with some extra stuff. Then on Friday night we participated in the lighted boat parade....during the rain. We all got drenched. The good news is....we took first place.

As for the parents of these busy children....we keep on working and juggling their schedules. Well, let me take that back. I juggle their schedules and inform Dad where he needs to be and when. I can definitely say we have had some serious family time. We are usually in the suburban, but at least we are together. The DVD player has come in handy at times. Until next time...enjoy the photos!" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" quality="high" scale="noscale" salign="l" wmode="transparent" flashvars="cy=bb&il=1&channel=3530822107882786881&" style="width:400px;height:320px" name="flashticker" align="middle">

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Say what ??? outside - since when...

Silly Easter Bunny.

At the crack of dawn (5:45 a.m. to be exact) we were up and panic had set in. It seemed no eggs had been hidden around our house. We left the basket of eggs out the night before, but what had that silly bunny done with them. Well, it was much too early to wake mom and dad - ahem, yeah right. Turns out mom heard us (nuts!) we were sent back to bed. Geepers, that stinks. Now all we could do was lie in bed and think about what a mistake the bunny must have made!

7:15 a.m....we can't take it anymore. Is that little brother of ours EVER going to wake up.
7:16's official - we're going up the steps once again.
7:20 a.m....we found the note. Our baskets have been hidden along with all the eggs.
7:30 a.m....we talk so loud - Trevor has no choice but to wake up
7:32 a.m....the hunt is on
7:50 a.m....we found our baskets & all the eggs are OUTSIDE!

The rest is a blurrrrrrrrr.

baby chicks galore

The farm, once again, got a load full of chicks. The kids, once again, got a load full of FUN.

Girly Fun!

Cassidy was recently invited to a birthday party that ventured to a hair salon for quick up-dos and make-up. From what I heard it was quite the day. All the girls had so much fun.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

They do hear me.

Cassidy came bouncing off the bus one afternoon. She had something in her backpack I had to see...immediately. First, close your eyes, and no peeking. Since Valentines Day was soon, I figured she had made me a beautiful art piece that would soon decorate my fridge or table. However, she pulled out her award instead. I would take this over art any day. I was so proud of her. Her award still hangs on the bulletin board for all to see & as a reminder of her good deed.

Bring on the Oreos!

I'm proud to report I didn't eat all of these!

For as long as I can remember...I have loved Oreos! They are also loved by Trevor. However, he truly just loves the inside. No problem. I see nothing wrong with working as a team. He takes the inside & I'll take the outside. I do have my limits though. Someday, I hope he enjoys the whole cookie just like mommie.

Basketball, basketball, basketball.

I love this photo. Check out that form. Great job, kiddo!

Spencer has been playing basketball this winter. We've sat through our fair share of games. He usually is a whole head taller than the other kids. Easy to pick out. However, he is now playing on a team with 5th graders. He fits in better with this group. He's actually "shorter" than one of them. Yep, I realize they are a year older. As long as he's having fun we are good to go.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

We are lucky Trevor has so many interests....

When he's with daddy he wants to be all grown up and insists on shaving every night!

When he plays with his big brother, it usually involves hunting or something physical like playing ball in the summer & building snowmen in the winter.

When he plays with his big sister he might have to be a puppy or a dancer (don't tell dad).

Thursday, January 29, 2009

One last change for 2008!

Notice anything different?
New Year's Eve day Cassidy donated 10" of hair to Locks of Love. We are very proud of her decision. It has proven to be a blessing in many areas.

Photos from Christmas

Yes, we too got the Wii

He just had to have his toes done.

Trevor's new bike

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Where has the time gone?

Holy smokes! It's been two months since I've posted. What is the deal? Now that I have my own computer at home I should have no excuses. Yeah, right. Keep pictures to follow shortly.