Thursday, January 24, 2008
I still believe it was worth buying......even though...
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Whew!...January already.
Well December seemed to whip by. We had a wonderful Christmas. Trevor wasn't quite sure what to think of all the presents. He was thrilled to get one toy, but when they kept coming he was in awe. He ripped open his presents, held them in front of our face, and kept saying, "out, out, out". Why do they need to tie those toys down to the boxes so well? By the time we would get the toy out he had moved on to the next gift. Then, again we heard, "out, out, out". Spencer and Cassidy also had a great Christmas. We were so happy when it snowed on Christmas Day. They had gotten sleds and a snowboard from Santa, so the timing of the snow was absolutely perfect!
We were getting ready to bring in the New Year, when we received the unfortunate news of Great Grandma passing away. (This would be Bryan's Grandmother). It took a while for this to sink in because we had just spent Christmas with her. We had to say goodbye on Jan. 3rd. On our way home that day, Cassidy stated she would never get to eat a Twix again. I told her I was pretty sure I knew where Great Grandma got her supplies and we could get some Twix candybars. For those of you that don't know the story behind the Twix candybar here it is: Great Grandma ALWAYS had two Twix candybars in her pocket when she was going to be seeing us. Whether she was coming to our home, meeting us at the farm of Roger and Karen's, or at her own home. One for Spencer & one for Cassidy. They soon caught on to this. You would think that 2 would be enough; however, Bryan would throw his fit claiming Great Grandma didn't love him anymore, how unfair this all was, asking the kids to share theirs. Not! This brought squeals of delight to the kids and a wonderful chuckle for Great Grandma. She never did start bringing Bryan one. Guess she figured he was too old!!! We will miss this little routine, along with this spunky, classy, wonderful Great Grandma.
The kids have been sledding more and more. They are getting braver. They now slide down the bank and out onto the lake. I think it's the fun of ending up out on the ice. Trevor is also opening up to the snow. He loves his new sled. He likes to go up and down the hills as well, but is just as content if you run and pull him. Good exercise, but are you kidding me? OOFTA.