Monday, November 2, 2009

trick or treat fun

Sister was kind enough to help Trevor color...or watch anyway.

Get the goo!

This past weekend turned out to be quite fun for the entire family. Even though I was busy planning a carnival - I did finally get some pumpkin carving in. Yes, it was the day before Halloween, but at least our pumpkins looked fresh on the steps. The seeds got roasted and life was good. On Halloween we all attended the carnival downtown. It was full of games, prizes, food and fun. When it came time to go trick-or-treating, I realized how old Spencer and Cassidy have become. Spencer ditched us to go with a friend - which only triggered Cassidy to do the same. So, Trevor and I headed out on our own. Which, honestly, was a whole lot of fun. He had the whole process down flat. If the homeowner waited to long, he would dig into the bowl himself and take ONE treat. If they had DOTS, licorice, or a dum dum sucker those were his first choices. Those that gave him chocolate - he would politely say, "thank you" and then when they closed the door he would look at me and say, "They gave me chocolate. I can't have chocolate. I'll give it to Cassie." I was so proud of him. He has come a long way with this allergy and is understanding more and more about his limitations. About two weeks ago, he experienced a reaction which lasted about 90 minutes. I thought a food was safe & was wrong. It made him extremely sick. It was a very rough 90 minutes. He never wants to do that again. (and neither do I or his dad). *still praying he outgrows it*