When it finally warmed up in June we went to the zoo and hit the water. Trevor became our latest little fishy. What a brave little boy. I have to keep him close to shore or he'd probably try to swim across the lake. The child has no fear of water. What's new with Trevor....well let's see. He mastered the neighbors slide in the lake in a matter of minutes. He turned three. He got to ride ponies during the 4th of July celebration.....and finally, yes I said finally....he will pee outside. It's crazy. Now it appears he likes it so much, I am not sure he will ever use the toilet again. Time will tell.
Cassidy also celebrated a birthday. She is now 8. She has been keeping busy with softball through summer rec. She still attends daycare with Trevor for the summer. However, has recently had a couple weeks off. Unfortunately, it wasn't because of anything good. We recently lost our daycare providers husband. He past away suddenly due to a heart attack at the young age of 45. It will be an adjustment for her family as well as her extended family (daycare) without having his presence around at some point during the day.
Cassidy and I found the medallion during our 4th of July celebration. Clues started being posted on Monday evening and we found it on Wednesday night by sheer luck. It was the start of a very fun weekend. We won a gas card and an overnight stay at a hotel in Sioux Falls with some extra stuff. Then on Friday night we participated in the lighted boat parade....during the rain. We all got drenched. The good news is....we took first place.
As for the parents of these busy children....we keep on working and juggling their schedules. Well, let me take that back. I juggle their schedules and inform Dad where he needs to be and when. I can definitely say we have had some serious family time. We are usually in the suburban, but at least we are together. The DVD player has come in handy at times. Until next time...enjoy the photos!
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