
We are still keeping busy. I have yet to figure out where the days go. We spent 3 days in the cities with Bryan's work family. The kids stayed with us the first night at the hotel to get their swimming in. Then they went to Auntie Linda's house for two days packed full of fun and excitement. I think we were all exhausted by the time we came home. It was nice to visit with adults without having children interrupting and pulling on your clothes. Although, it was extremely difficult for me to stay up past my bedtime of 10pm.
Spencer experienced his first "big kill". He is a true hunter. It took him about 20 minutes to tell me the whole story. I asked him if he felt bad for killing such a cute creature. He simply replied, no. I'm still trying to figure out how he managed this with only a BB gun, since that is all I've approved of him shooting. Hmmmm....need to chat with his father on that one.
Daylight savings time has once again done a number on us. It's 7pm on Sunday night and the kids are enjoying the neighbors sliding hill. ".....but mom, it's still light out. We don't have to come in yet." Trevor did come in about 15 minutes after being outside, jumping with joy. His comment was this, "Senser, hill, slide, fun, Senser, slide, fun!" That "Senser" would be his big brother whom he adores.